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School is underway again throughout the Ozarks. Just as when I was a boy, hundreds of kids climb on yellow school buses every morning at country crossroads or the ends of their driveways and lanes. more
A couple of months ago, I wrote a column titled, “I’m not paying that for tomatoes” where I took some good-natured jabs at my parents and their pricey produce. Well, I find that it is now I who must be the focus of ridicule, for I recently took on a DIY project, and let’s just say it cost more than I bargained for. more
Homebody gets a traveling treat more
The Bolivar Area Chamber of Commerce will debut several new awards at a new event later this year. The Chamber Awards Banquet will shine a spotlight on the best of the Bolivar with the BoMo’s Best awards to honor local businesses that have been voted the best by community members in addition to the annual Business of the Year and Community Partner of the Year Awards. more
The Polk County Democrats will host their September meeting on Sept. 16, at Smith's Restaurant at 6:30 p.m., dinner is optional at 5:30 p.m., if you wish to come early and fellowship with Democrats around the county. We have invited our Missouri Democratic Party Executive Director, Matt Patterson to join us as our guest speaker for the evening. Matt will be sharing with us his personal experiences at the Democratic National Convention recently held in Chicago, Illinois. He will also be giving us updates about our candidates up and down the ballot this fall and how we can help get them elected. more
Forty years ago I might have been planning another trip to the West about now. more
I was never so excited to need a longer-sleeved shirt and my little chilly heart skipped a beat when I saw some yellow leaves scattered and hiding amongst the green ones. Could it be? more
To me, September feels like the last burst of summer. Though not yet crisp, the air hints at cool weather coming. Here in the Ozarks, we were blessed this year to feel that a few times during our usually hot, humid month of August. more
Do we need more selfie control? more
How visiting gravesites gives a new perspective more
A mere 60 years ago I was a 16-year-old boy about to start my senior year of high school. more
My heroes used razor blades more
D.A.V. a blessing more
A letter to my younger self more
Or at least the chiggers think so more
It’s approaching bedtime as I jot down notes for this column while watching a mystery on television and fighting to stay awake long enough to see it solved. more
If you enjoy seeing hummingbirds, get ready, the fall feeding frenzy is about to begin. more
The other day, I was at the grocery store. I heard a loud crash. Being nosy, I walked towards the sound, saw some people whispering, and looked to the end of the aisle. more
How to get through election season more
I’ve no way of knowing as I write this who were the winners in the August primary elections. more
In the current election season, I seem to receive an incredible amount of junk mail. I’ve wondered if I have thrown things into the paper recycling bin that I shouldn’t have because I didn’t take enough time to really look at it. I almost did that with a letter from the World Wildlife Fund. Enclosed with other information was a small paper entitled “10 Simple Things you can do to Help Protect the Earth” that I wanted to share with you. more
Add a spoonful of sugar to help it go down. more
Three summertime stories more
“Even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me” (Psalm 139:10) God will hold us. I love this, don’t you? We can trust Him to hold us through our disappointments, disease, and distress. He holds up our heads and wraps around us like a lifejacket when the waves of life threaten to drown us. His right hand holds ours and walks through the fire with us. more
No one likes to be down - at least most people don’t. more
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