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Keeping It Cool

Staying healthy amidst extreme heat


With extreme temperatures headed our way, Polk County residents are reminded to take helpful
measures in order to stay cool during these blistering, hot summer days.

Polk County Health Center administrator, Michelle Morris, reminds residents to check on their
neighbors, especially young children and elderly individuals.

“We really do want people to take precautions to watch out for themselves and their family,”
Morris states.

People are encouraged to limit their time outside during the hottest hours of the day and to stay
fully hydrated when spending time outdoors.

“If you do notice you start to not feel well, take precautions at that time, and go to a shaded

area,” says Morris. “Go to a cool air conditioned area, get fluids in, and then, obviously, contact
your physician to let them know that you might have had some type of heat incident, so that they
can then see you to determine that.”

Many places in the community welcome the public to come into their building and escape the
heat during their business hours. Morris lists Walmart, Polk County Library, and Community
Outreach Ministries as just a few of the possible places that people can go to cool off for a bit
and recover from the sweltering weather.

For more information about heat safety, contact Polk County Health Center at 417-326-7250.