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Salmon to speak at Community Connections meeting on April 6


The April Polk County Community Connections breakfast meeting will feature a report on Polk County’s youth, presented by Ben Salmon, Polk County KLIFE Executive Director. In addition to Salmon’s updates on county youth, there will be time for each health pillar task team to meet to assess needs and set goals. The meeting begins at 7:30 a.m. Thursday, April 6 in the community room at Citizens Memorial Hospital, 1500 N Oakland, Bolivar. A free breakfast is provided.

“I feel like our youth have much more to deal with these days,” says Polk County Community Connections President Bill Nichols. “Ben keeps in close touch with our youth and their needs. It may be very enlightening for many of us to hear his assessment of our youth.”

In addition to this report, Nichols says break-out times will be available for the six health pillars task teams to address community needs, share information, form partnerships and set goals. Health pillars include mental health, physical health, spiritual health, economic health, social health and educational health. “I want to stress that we are working on meeting needs throughout Polk County, not just Bolivar,” says Nichols. “But we need input from the communities so we can better work together. These meetings are open to anyone living, working or providing a service in our county. Please come.”

The Community Connections meeting lasts 60 to 90 minutes, but those attending may leave as needed to get to work or school. Those attending are encouraged to bring materials and information about their business, school, organization, agency, or church to share with others.

Community Connections is a non-for-profit 501c3 organization supported by a coalition of volunteers, churches, businesses, agencies, educators, and health care providers from throughout Polk County. Community Connections partners with these coalition members to help improve the overall mental, physical, spiritual, social, educational, and economic health of Polk County families. Meetings are open to the public.

For more information, contact Community Connections at Community Connections – Polk County on Facebook or at www.connectpolkcounty.org.