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I pledge allegiance to my God who had so much love for me, He gave His only begotten Son, to face Calvary. And to the church, for which He stands – One church, indivisible, with its strong bands, of love and kindness to sinners enthrall with Calvary’s purchased liberty and justice for all. And to this great nation that I am privileged to be, blessed as a citizen in this land of the free. more
The Second Annual deer hunters dinner, hosted by TPE (The Pursuit Element), will Saturday, Jan. 18 at the Polk County Fairgrounds. more
University of Missouri Extension will hold the annual MU Crop Conference Jan. 30 at the Miner Convention Center, 2610 E. Malone Ave., Miner, Mo. more
Gardner Casey more
According to a school news release, the following students earned spots on the list: more
SBU Director of Athletics, Clark Sheehy, announces Bryson Crowell as the new men’s and women’s head tennis coach. Crowell has been a four-year letter winner with the more
“Birds are one of our most important and valuable natural resources… Cultivating an acquaintance with them is one of the best ways to understand the problems of wildlife conservation. There are few experiences more enjoyable or of more lasting value than studying birds in the field.” more
I was up early like I always am. It was still dark out. Cup of coffee in hand, I go to my office, sit at my desk, turn on the computer, and start writing a story for this week’s newspaper. more
I heard on the news some schools are banning cell phones. more
Cold weather has moved into Missouri quickly with no plans of leaving soon, according to forecasts. more
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