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Berean Baptist Church in Bolivar will soon be hosting Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. This financial organization and management program has been tried and proven literally millions of times over, and it can help you as well. If you struggle to make ends meet, if you have debt problems, if you don’t have an “every transaction” system of tracking expenses and budgeting, if you want to learn how to better save for retirement or children’s schooling, or if you just need to learn how to better manage finances, then this course is for you. Financial Peace University is a nine-week course, and will be on Sunday evenings from 5:30-7 p.m. starting on Feb.16 . If you would like to sign up or need more information, please contact Berean Baptist Church at www.bbcbolivar.com or call 417-326-7758. The address for the church is 4450 S. Scenic Ave., Bolivar, MO 65613. more
Robert “Steve” Stephen Biggerstaff more
“Pastures and cattle management are very important to the profitability and sustainability of cattle operations in Cedar County and the surrounding areas,” says Patrick Davis, MU Extension Livestock Field Specialist. Furthermore, education to manage these aspects of your cattle operation properly could enhance its profitability. Therefore, MU Extension, Cedar County Soil and Water Conservation District and Cedar County Farm Bureau are cooperating to provide the Cedar County Livestock and Forage Conference on Feb. 27, at 5:30 p.m. at the Stockton United Methodist Church Family Life Center at 708 State Hwy 32, Stockton. more
Deaths more
Program will include online chat through which participants can submit questions. more
The Bolivar Herald-Free Press invites residents to send their engagement, wedding, baby, and other milestone announcements. more
Bob Moreland more
I notice that I’ve given a “C” rating to every movie I’ve reviewed in 2025. That’s four straight times I’ve basically said that the movie, while not worth writing off entirely, isn’t worth recommending. I even split the review last weekend and gave out two “C” ratings. Director Mel Gibson’s “Flight Risk” ends the “C” streak. It doesn’t end the streak by earning my recommendation, but by being a movie that I feel is indeed worth writing off. more
Give me a minute. I'll think of it. more
Apply at mdc.mo.gov/hunting-trapping/species/turkey/turkey-spring-managed-hunts. more
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